
Healthy Body,

Healthy Mind.

Elderberries consist of natural substances called flavonoids, such as quercetin and anthocyanins.

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Introducing The

Value Of ElderPower®

ElderPower® elderberry syrup is a lab-tested, immune supporting nutritional supplement made with premium USDA certified organic ingredients and locally sourced raw honey- offering over 5,000 beneficial live enzymes.

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  • Antioxidants help to reduce inflammation.

  • Triple the antioxidants of blueberries.

  • Reduces replication of viruses and bacteria.

Essential Features Of ElderPower®

ElderPower® Elderberry Syrup is an immune supporting supplement made with USDA certified organic ingredients and unpasteurized raw honey. 

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Physician Recommended

Supports a healthy immune system, also gives you temporary relief from COLDS and FLU.

Reduces the replications of viruses.

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For Acute Immune Support

Take suggested dose every 3-4 hours, as tolerated, for up to 5 days.

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Reduce Inflammation

Antioxidants help you reduce inflammation from it's potently extracted formula.

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History Of


Elderberries are tiny, dark berries that grow in clusters on the flowering elder tree. Indigenous to Europe and also North America, elderberries have been utilized for centuries in natural, therapeutic treatment options because of their immune-boosting, anti-infectious properties. In 400BC the ancient healer, Hippocrates, referred to the black elderberry shrub as his “medicine chest”.

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Nutritive Value

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Useful Properties

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Long Shelf Life

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Essential Benefits Of


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Healthy Immune


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Temporary relief from Colds and Flu.

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Reduces the replication of Viruses/Bacteria

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Supports Healthy Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Vision

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Triple the antioxidants of blueberries